使用ActionScript 3 上的Ruffle 运行flash 文件的Flash Player。在Web 上玩最喜欢的flash 游戏。 Flash播放列表
Flash Player 是一款使用Ruffle 仿真引擎运行您最喜爱的闪光灯的仿真器。所有Flash 游戏、视频和其他文件都将转换为另一种格式,以便在浏览器中打开它们。
一个易于使用的扩展,允许用户使用JS 模拟器运行任何Flash 游戏或其他SWF 文件,并且现有的Flash 内容将简单地工作,无需额外的设置或应用程序。
Flash Player 2023 的工作原理:
1. 去一个有flash 游戏的网站。
2.在弹出的扩展窗口中启用Flash player本身(红色按钮“Enable Flash Player Emulator”)
3. 重要提示:重新加载站点页面。
4. 单击播放按钮。
Flash Player - 游戏模拟器检测网页上的任何Flash 内容(显示在弹出窗口中- 绿色圆圈),然后将标准Flash 文件播放错误“不再支持插件Adobe Flash Player”替换为“播放" 按钮,您可以单击该按钮打开游戏。
Flash Player 使用两个开源Flash 到JS 库(Ruffle 和SWF2JS)作为其仿真引擎。
Flash Player 是Google Chrome 用户的辅助工具。 Flash Player 不正式隶属于Adobe Flash Player 产品或任何其他Adobe 产品。 Flash 标志®(“Flash 标志”)是Adobe Inc. 的注册商标。
现在您不再需要下载额外的应用程序或实用程序,使用旧版本的扩展。多合一扩展Flash Player - 游戏模拟器。
有了这个扩展,您只需点击一个按钮就可以玩Super Contra、Flappy Bird、PacMan 和其他flash 游戏!
吃豆子在您的Google Chrome 上玩经典的Pacman 游戏离线版!
吃豆子经典离线版。在您的Google Chrome 浏览器上玩Pacman。
迪诺无需断开互联网连接即可玩Chrome 的恐龙游戏。
单击带有游戏的行上的Chrome Dino 按钮并开始玩游戏。
Google Chrome 上的经典Flappy Bird 游戏离线版!
Flappy Bird 经典离线版
介绍使用我们简单轻便的扩展程序在您的Google Chrome 浏览器上玩Flappy Bird - 无需互联网。
在您的Google Chrome 上离线玩无限马里奥兄弟!
这是Infinite Mario Bros 的克隆版,使用JavaScript 为使用HTML5 的网络浏览器编写。
Roblox 是一个扩展,旨在通过修改外观并通过添加大量新功能来增加核心网站功能来增强Roblox 的网站。
扩展Flash Player 工具完全免费且易于用户管理。如果我们的扩展对您有用,请给我们5 星!
Flash Player is an emulator that runs your favorite flashes using Ruffle emulation engine. All flash games, videos, and other files are converted into an alternative format in order to open them in a browser.
An easy to use extension that allows users to run any Flash games or other SWF files using a JS emulator and existing Flash content will simply work, without additional settings or applications.
How the Flash Player 2023 works:
1. Go to a site with flash games.
2. Enable the Flash player itself in the pop-up extension window (red button "Enable Flash Player Emulator")
3. Important: Reload the site page.
4. Click on the Play button.
5. Start playing.
Flash Player - games emulator detects any flash-content on a web page (which is displayed in a pop-up window - green circle) and then replaces standard flash file playback errors "Plugin Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported" with the "Play " button, which you can click to open the game.
Flash Player uses two open-source Flash to JS libraries (Ruffle and SWF2JS) as its emulation engine.
Flash Player is a helper tool for Google Chrome users. Flash Player is not officially affiliated with products Adobe Flash Player or any others Adobe products. Flash logo® (“the Flash logo”) are registered trademarks of Adobe Inc.
Now you no longer need to download additional applications or utility, use old versions of extension. All in one extension Flash Player - games emulator.
With this extension you are able to play Super Contra, Flappy Bird, PacMan and other flash games with the click of a button!
Play classic Pacman game offline version on your Google Chrome!
Pacman Classic Offline Version. Play Pacman on your Google Chrome Browser.
Play Chrome's Dino game without disconnecting to the Internet.
Click the Chrome Dino button at a line with games and start playing the game.
Flappy bird
The classic Flappy Bird game offline version on your Google Chrome!
Flappy Bird Classic Offline Version
Play Flappy Bird on your Google Chrome Browser with our simple & lightweight extension - No Internet required.
Super Mario (coming soon):
Play Infinite Mario Bros Offline on your Google Chrome!
This is a clone of Infinite Mario Bros, written in JavaScript for web browsers using HTML5.
Roblox, is an extension that aims to enhance Roblox's website by modifying the look and adding to the core website functionality by adding a plethora of new features.
The extension Flash Player tool is completely free and easy to manage for users. If our extension is useful to you, please give us 5 stars!